Minggu, 18 November 2018

Reading Strategies

Before explain about strategies in reading, we should know about what the reading is.

Reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text and their own background knowledge to build meaning (Neil Anderson,Brigham Young University of USA). Reading should have interaction between the readers and the texts that using strategies based on the reading purpose and is strengthened by fluency.

Strategic Reading is defined as the ability of the reader to use a wide variety of reading strategies to accomplish a purpose for reading.

Ok friends, this part will explain about 3 strategies in reading that the blogger have learned :

first :
Context clues are hints found within a sentence, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use to understand the meanings of new or unfamiliar words.

Learning the meaning of a word through its use in a sentence or paragraph is the most practical way to build vocabulary, since a dictionary is not always available when a reader encounters an unknown word. 
A reader must be aware that many words have several possible meanings. Only by being sensitive to the circumstances in which a word is used can the reader decide upon an appropriate definition to fit the context. 
A reader should rely on context clues when an obvious clue to meaning is provided, or when only a general sense of the meaning is needed for the reader’s purposes. Context clues should not be relied upon when a precise meaning is required, when clues suggest several possible definitions, when nearby words are unfamiliar, and when the unknown word is a common one that will be needed again; in these cases, a dictionary should be consulted.

There are several different types of context clues. Some of them are:

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